Local ERDA FFL who does transfers (20$), barrel threading from $100, and small cerakote projects.
Lowest priced suppressors in UTAH!
Look at the other box stores to compare. I will beat their prices!
Low overhead as I have home based business. I won't sell you a $1000 dollar suppressor just to tell you, you need another $300 in mounts/flash hiders to work with all your guns like the big SLC stores will.
I want you to shoot suppressed with a can that is affordable and a good fit for you.
I am a Silencershop.com dealer and will give you the best price I can.
I primary sell Rex Silentium and Aero Lahar suppressors, they are the best cans for the price. I could sell you a more expensive suppressor if you want, but I would rather you get the best value.
Silencer Shop Dealer
Rex Silentium Dealer
I have the lowest cost suppressors in UTAH!! I specialize in Rex Silentium suppressors because for the money, they are some of the best I've used.
AB Suppresor Dealer
The Raptor line from AB is amazing as a hunting rifle suppressor for your carbon fiber barrel, or if you just want one of the best cans in the industry!
I can get the best deals on suppressors and will beat almost any price out there. Let me know what you want, and I can get it.